Contributions of the

Since 2020, and up to the present, some of the contributions resulting from the Chair’s activities are:

R+D+i Conference on Occupational Health and Safety

 |  María-Isabel Sánchez-Segura

On October 28, 2024, the IRSST of the Comunidad de Madrid held the event “Jornada I+D+i en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales” at the iconic LaCabina de Telefónica venue. The conference centered on advancing technology and innovation in Occupational Health and Safety.

The IRSST-UC3M Chair proudly participated, represented by Maribel Sánchez Segura, Fuensanta Medina Domínguez, and Mario García Hidalgo, who showcased the collaborative work conducted alongside the IRSST.

More information is available on the platform created by the Comunidad de Madrid.

Challenge: Building a hybrid and interconnected society.

 |  María-Isabel Sánchez-Segura

The IRSST-UC3M Chair has participated in the design of the challenge “Building a hybrid and interconnected society“, in the context of the initiative “10 R+D+i CHALLENGES to INNOVATE together in 2022”. 66 researchers (40% women) have collaborated in its elaboration with a multidisciplinary approach as they belong to different research groups of the Escuela Politécnica Superior (61% of the participating researchers) and the Faculties of Social and Legal Sciences, and Humanities, Communication and Documentation (39%) of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. This work has been coordinated by the External Promotion Area of the Vice-presidency of Research and Transfer UC3M, with the collaboration of the Disruptors and Innovators (D+I) team.

Description of this challenge: here.

Description of the 10 challenges: here.

Online Conference: Healthy organizations. Telework and digitalization

 |  Germán Dugarte-Peña

As part of the actions of the VI Master Plan of the Community of Madrid 2021- 2024, the Conference: “Healthy organizations. Telework and digitalization” will be held on October 26, 2021.

María-Isabel Sánchez-Segura, Professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid and Director of the Chair IRSST-UC3M: “I+D+i for an Intelligent Digital Transformation of Occupational Health and Safety”, will participate in a Round Table on Telework and Digitalization.

Download the flyer here.

Download the Program here.

The video of our director Maribel Sánchez-Segura’s presentation is available  here.

Recording of the event (all presentations) is available here.

Publication: “Smart occupational health and safety for a digital era and its place in smart and sustainable cities”

 |  Germán Dugarte-Peña

Our team of the IRSST-UC3M Chair has recently published the article “Smart occupational health and safety for a digital era and its place in smart and sustainable cities”, in the indexed scientific journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. The contribution is a study on the relevance of considering Occupational Health and Safety in the context of the design and development of smart cities. We invite you to read and enjoy the article, which is available in open access.

You can access this publictaion here.

Foreseeable OSH Scenario after the COVID-19 Pandemic

 |  Germán Dugarte-Peña

This paper outlines the foreseeable scenario for Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) after the COVID-19 pandemic, through an analysis of the perspectives of the main OHS-related regulatory and opinion authorities, including, among others, ISO, WEF, ILO, Harrispoll, Gartner, and others.

Access the full content here.

Workshop: The experts in OHS in the digital era have the word – Online event

 |  Germán Dugarte-Peña

Event date: Last June 21st, 2021.

“The experts in OHS in the digital era have the word” was an event that brought together specialists and actors in this field with the aim of presenting a proposal for the evolution of the way to generate concrete, unequivocal and reusable prevention criteria, taking advantage of the know-how of the sector, making use of cutting-edge technologies and accessible to all, democratizing the generation of such criteria.

© Cátedra IRSST-UC3M.